Flexible and adjustable
Use our proven procure-to-receive-process, which is programmed with segregation of duties. The accountant and investors will love this!
You are an inventor. Or a genius. Or at least a person with a Goal.
Surrounding by your growing team you are chasing your dream: Develop a good or service and improve the world. Building a company distracts from that goal. With your company growing and coming in a new phase, you all of a sudden have to start thinking about the organizational side of having a business, together with delegating tasks and responsibility. How to build and shape document- and process-flows through your company? How to implement a procurement process without buying an entire ERP-system, and without starting a massive paper-trail. Do you need to invent that by yourself?
At SourcingFlow we have the right solution. The experience of dozens entrepreneurs in the world are bundled in a state of the art procurement-software in which your staff can register their procurement needs. Through the use of catalogs, maintained by procurement-roles, these needs are approved (or not) and purchase orders flow to suppliers. Confirmations will be sent by the supplier, after which he sends the products and the invoice. As soon as the product arrive, your staff registers the delivery and a three-way-verification can be done: purchase order – Delivery – Invoice. If all these three match, accounting can be informed that payment is allowed.
With our software you can focus on your plan, while procurement is under control, and probably better organized than other players in the market.
Use our proven procure-to-receive-process, which is programmed with segregation of duties. The accountant and investors will love this!
We have over 20 years of experience in filed of procurement consultancy and -software, and heard it all before: this needs to work immeadiately and without problems. Trust us: it does.
Deviation from the standard build-in process will take some configuration, but you will be up-and-running within minutes. Start using SourcingFlow now!